“Information is the critical potential resource.
It becomes a resource only when obtained and acted upon.”

Bill Mollison
The instructors, friends and allies of Permaculture BC continue to find, explore and use new resources to learn and apply Permaculture for themselves and themselves. If you feel like you have a valuable resource please post a comment below.

Information Arks

These sites are serious “arks” of permaculture, homesteading and ecologically specific articles, design and pretty much everything under the sun.
Inventory of Traditional Knowledge to Combat Desertification

Excellent site to spend an afternoon with lo-tech ideas and practical solutions from subsistance farming to modern day living.


A free but high quality collection of practical How-To Technical Development Information – helping the 3rd world to help itself (and giving developed nations information that we may need very soon).

Prairie Rose Permaculture – Bob Waldrop – A Compendium of Useful Information

Bob had put together an incredible, and I mean incredible, warehouse of information from agriculture to water harveting techniques.

Global Village Construction Set

When you were a kid a bucket, shovel and beach full of sand was all you needed to make a whole village. Today we’re being sold tractors, excavators, pumps that are 2-3 times more expensive then (yup I’m going there) doing it yourself. An incredible project that designs and prototypes the mechanical aids to make and maintain human settlement.

Practical Action

A more conventional and not as extensive ark of info.

The Farm Permaculture Links

Legal, First Nations, Energy… etc, etc, etc, this is put together from Murad at “The Farm” in Tenessaee… these folks have been in permaculture for a whlie and their survey of the scene shows.

Pole Shift Survival Information

These folks believe that a pole shift is on the way and it shows… what a haul of info and DIY schematics. Do not open unless you have at least an hour on your hands, it’s a very addictive site to explore.

Permaculture Education

There are teachers and then there are teacher teachers. These are the folks that are continuing to embedd permaculture into teacheing permacutlure. Increasing the biodiversity of teaching, accessing different learning styles and ways of learning these fine educators distill the essence of Permaculture into a digestable and memorable format for students.

Dynamic Groups Dynamic Learning

Part group facilitation, part Permaculture and part Holy Sheesh Crack this woman knows her stuff! Robin Clayfield inspires and instructs permacltlure educators and others in how to reach students effectively. Fifteen years old, her Manual for Teaching Permaculture Creatively is still the standard for teaching permaculture without standing at the front of the classroom for 72 or 144hrs straight.

Permaculture Website Listings

Not one to reinvent the wheel, Permaculture BC is proud to provide a list of folks who are already connecting the dots of quality permacutlure sites, media, education, design and community websites. These folks are the social “mycellium” in the movement!

Planet Friendly

Where else can you literally find everything to do with “green” jobs and environmental minded activities? Right here at Planet Friendly. In seeing the site from many different angles we started to see what an incredible resouce, event listing and posting site this is. Eternal gratitude to the fine folks at Planet Friendly!

Gardening and Agriculture Listings

There are many business, educational opportunities and other events that happen within gardening and agriculture. Here’s a start at some of the very best, honest and ninja-like companies that are working towards a regenerative world.

The Organic Gardener’s Pantry

This is your BC-based source for fabulous organic gardening products and information, probiotics, mycorrhizae, compost tea, books, and more. Run by one of Gaia College‘s amazing instructors, Christina Nikolic, this is the place for the best soil amendments and inoculates. Christina strives for only the best information and thus products. Her site needs to be in your internet bookmarks if you’re serious about organic food production.

Sustainable Forestry

The practice of controlling the establishment, growth, composition, health, and quality of forests to meet diverse needs and values [Latin silvi- (forest) + culture (as in growing)]. From selective logging to coppicing (cutting for pole wood) forests provide abundance for human use… if the forest is allowed to mature and perpetuate.


Merve Wilkinson has been harvesting timber on his Vanouver Island, BC property since 1945 and “Wildwood” still looks the same as it did in 1945. A documentry, Wildwood: One tree at a time, was produced capturing his work and practice of “listening to the trees” and only harvesting “the interest the forest provides”. Regenerative practices at their finest, thanks for your work Merve.

“Wildwood: A Forest for the Future” by Ruth Loomis

Merve Wilkinson’s Report Card on Wildwood TLC Management

Rainwater Catchment

Rainwater is the “gold standard” of water quality (this is of course without airbore pollutants). Catching rainwater in simple to construct and affordable systems can create redundant stable systems that provide for what Leonardo Da Vinci called “…the driving force of all nature.”

Finding Land

Having the desire to farm and produce food is one thing… resourcing the land to do it is another. There’s a growing trend of connecting those wanting to farm and the land to do it in Canada. Here are a few resources to help you find space or farmers for your needs.

Linking Land and Future Farmers (LLAFF)

Land and farmers… as well as some great land agreement documents for those looking for some direction on legal agreements.

Sharing Backyards

Looking for a back yard? Need a back yard? Here’s the place to start. A great map that shows simply if you have space to offer or if you’re looking.

Landshare Canada

Specific to Canada, this system allows the user to post land for use, advertise that you’re looking or a third option if you just want to help out.

Work Experience Opportunities

Internships, apprenticeships, jobs and other working opportunities to further your permaculture skills and talents. If you have or know of something coming up drop us a line and we’ll endeavour to get it on here as quickly as possible.


SOIL Apprenticeships

“Canada’s Sustainable Farming Apprenticeships” this is a great depot of work experience opportunities, however there’s little in the way of participants leaving feedback on farms and experiences so keep that in mind. Farmers post from all over the country.

HELPX – Vancouver Island

A collection of opportunities to learn about growing in exchange for room and board.


LandShare Canada

You have land to share? You need land to work? Here’s the place to connect, check it.


Almost like Landshare Canada this site specializes a bit more with it’s MatchMaker tool bringing together new farmers who are looking for land or mentorship with farm owners who have land available or expertise to share.

WWOOF Canada

Want to work on an organic farm? Want room and board in exchange? Here’s the site. Read through people’s experiences before you commit to a farm for long term. Some folks have created life long partnerships through this organzation.

Goodwork Canada

I personally love this site and what these people do is incredible. This is a one stop shop for pulling together resouces, events, people, apprenticeships and other opportunities.


Instituto Mesoamericano de Permacultura in a rural town in Guatemala. Apprentices and volunteers are welcome. Interested people can send an email to imapvisitantes[at]gmail.com.

More info here: http://imapermacultura.wordpress.com/ (English at the bottom of each page)