Javan's presentation on top-bar beekeeping has stayed with me for months! I've been telling my friends about the merits of natural beekeeping since Javan first taught me, and hope to learn more from him over the summer. Also, I feel Javan has prepared me to begin the important journey of experimenting, failing and succeeding (eventually) in all of my permaculture activities! In the words of Samuel Beckett: Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.
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Javan has a fine way with people in addition to a depth of knowledge and experience that transcends most short workshop facilitation. He is an engaged and engaging teacher and an enthusiastic lifelong learner – as solid as the ground we spring from. Javan brings rich, relevant, emergent curriculum borne of his life’s experience and the needs of a world in crisis. We welcome the opportunity to collaborate with him in our Green Learning program in Continuing Studies at Royal Roads University.
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As a long-time practitioner of urban agriculture, I have heard the term permaculture tossed around for years. It wasn't until Javan's workshop that I really understood what all the hype was about (and what permaculture is). In what Javan presented I found a way of understanding and creating the world that completely resonates with my values. As a result of the workshop, I've caught the permaculture bug. I can't wait to learn more.
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I had been reading and hearing about permaculture for several years but hadn't taken much action in applying it to my life and the land I live on. Since taking Javan's beginners' workshop, I have already mapped out our land using his zoning technique and am feeling a hundred times more creative, observant, and prepared to make a real land use plan. Using simple exercises, Javan puts permaculture completely within reach of a person with very little background in agriculture, and in the same course can challenge the most experienced producer to think critically about the living systems they produce within. Time well spent!
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Javan is a knowledgeable and engaging instructor. A kind person whose grasp of permaculture principles and applied techniques reflects that he truly lives what he teaches.
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Javan's presentation sticks out in my mind as one of the clearest bursts of knowledge that I"ve been able to find in the vast field of permaculture tehniques. His presentation was filled with interesting examples that left any nonsense about this field in the dust! To top it off, his authentic passion for this field carried over past the presentation throughout the day, over lunchtime conversations that were suitably sweetened with his smart words! Thanks Javan!
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Javan and Brandon are two of the most dynamic and effective teachers I've had the pleasure of learning from. They're incredibly knowledgeable about their work and inspire students with their passion for Permaculture. Brandon has an incredible wealth of knowledge and experience which he shares with unbridled enthusiasm and excitement. His passion for plants is inspiring and his exuberance addictive! Javan creates a learning environment that's both engaging and supportive for his students. A skilled facilitator and educator, he creatively shares his passion for permaculture with everyone -- and you will want to listen. The PDC changed my life.
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Having the opportunity to learn with Javan as one of our teachers was tremendous! His energy and enthusiasm were infectious, his knowledge was shared willingly and he has generously continued to support us on our permaculture path. We believe the ethics, principles and techniques of Permaculture are truly the way of the future in our world.
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