I get it.
I do.
Not everyone can attend a Permaculture Design Course in person.
Schedule’s clash. Locations are too far away and sometimes it just doesn’t work out.
When people ask:
“Should I take an in person PDC on an online course?”
My answer is:
“Absolutely yes!”
But if you are chomping at the bit for an permaculture education and can’t wait…
This is the PDC for you.
I’ve looked through Geoff Lawton’s PDC and it’s great. Good information, good communiy, a little heavy on the swale dogma but good context.
And then I looked at Oregon State University’s PDC and I was blown away at the level of student work, the to the point in depth information that provided and the rigourous assignments and quizes so you wake away KNOWING you know PERMACULTURE.
So I talked to the OSU folks and asked, “How about a discount for Permaculture BC followers?” And they said, “That’s a great idea.”
It’s not a huge discount BUT as one of the most accessible PDC’s I’ve seen at $800, a 5% discount drops the course to $760.
Not bad for your first PDC.
Did I say first?
Yup, I did.
As David Shaw said, “A PDC is a great place to start, but a terrible place to STOP.” Your first PDC lays the foundation for your second PDC where who knows you could offer to a Teaching Assistant for reduced price in the course or a straight trade.
Now we come to crux of what I think this course is a good start…. it gives you what you need to be introduced to the concepts in permaculture, start to make a difference today while laying a foundation for your permaculture efforts in the future.
Currently OSU is offering both a regular PDC for those interested in the information but not in designing professionally and a PDC PRO. The regular PDC is 10 weeks long and the PDC PRO is 20 weeks and included open Q and A every other week with your instructor.
Hope this helps folks.
Almost forgot, here’s ths 5% discount code.
Here’s where to sign up:
Oregon State University Permaculture Design Certificate Online
And here’s some great examples of past students portfolio work: