Sep 27, 2018 -Registration: https://www.permaculturedesign.ca/eveningofdesign
Van DusenAn Evening of Design
for life, livelihood, community and culture
with Looby Macnamara, Delvin Solkinson and Kym Chi
World famous teacher, designer and published Author of ‘People and Permaculture’ Looby Macnamara makes her historic first appearance in Canada.
An evening of design for everyday people, educators, organizations, businesses, consultants, permaculturalists, government, creatives, leaders, social workers, aid workers, healers and more.
Join a group of extraordinary people from all walks of life to explore the cutting edge of design and apply it to something that you are already doing.
Identifying your key strengths and supports as well as weak links, you will learn how to be a more successful designer in creating a more practical and abundant life. Do more of what you love and support your project, garden, business, organization and life to grow.
Create a more integrated life with nature, self and community.
Looby Macnamara is author, teacher and pioneer. Her books People and Permaculture and 7 Ways to Think Differently have been instrumental in opening up the fertile edge of Social Permaculture. She is creator of the Design Web and co-founder of Cultural Emergence. She runs a 20 acre smallholding and training centre in the UK – Applewood Permaculture Centre. www.loobymacnamara.com
Delvin Solkinson is a graduate student of permaculture education with a Masters Degree from Bill Mollison, has taken over 20 Advanced Courses worldwide and is a registered teacher through the Permaculture Institute, Permaculture Association and Permaculture Research Institute.
Kym Chi is a dedicated advocate of Earth stewardship, people care and regenerative action for resilience. She is a student and teacher of Permaculture, runs her own healing practice and works with plant medicine on the Sunshine Coast. www.gigglingchitree.com
$44 Early Bird Until September 7
$55 Until September 27 / $66 at the Door
Limited space.
Register in advance email delvin@cosm.org
This event was posted by Delvin Solkinson, a visitor to the site. For more information contact them directly at delvin@cosm.org.
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