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BC Native Bee Course


Jun 20, 2018 - Jun 24, 2018


Okanagan College, Penticton, BC, Canada

Contact: for registration.

This is a 5 day course consisting of 2 days in the field in the southern Okanagan, and 3 days in the lab at Okanagan College in Penticton.

The course is designed to introduce participants to the genera of native bees in Canada through lectures, discussions, and microscopy.

We focus on learning to ID Bumble Bees and developing the skills to recognize other native bees to genus and beyond.

Fieldwork is focused on field methods and natural history with some time provided for participants to develop their skills of observation and investigation.

We host a range of participants from professors to artists, and env. consultants. All adults are welcome.

Join us for the field days, the lab, or both.

This event was posted by Lincoln Best, a visitor to the site. For more information contact them directly at

This event was posted by a visitor, and not by Permaculture BC. As such Permaculture BC has NO FURTHER INFORMATION then what you see here. Do not call, email or toilet paper us with emails or phone calls, as we DO NOT KNOW THE ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION. With quiet resolve, patience and determination we thank you.

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