Jan 16, 2023 - Mar 6, 2023Registration: https://www.regenerativeliving.online/course/coppice-agroforestry-live-2023
Coppicing is a “cut and come again” type of forestry. It’s a way of managing trees and shrubs by cutting them down, allowing them to regrow, and then harvesting the maturing sprouts for a diverse range of value added products. It’s a practice that’s deeply embedded in human history around the world, but it’s virtually unknown in temperate North America.
Leveraging the remarkable fact that most trees don’t die when you cut them, they resprout, participants in this course have the opportunity to learn how to apply coppice agroforestry to their special area of interest. The “Polewood Economy” recognizes the value and utility of small diameter wood products, used in the round, for many applications including – fuelwood, craft and building materials, propagation stock, chop and drop farm fertility, livestock fodder, production opportunities on marginal land, and much more.
Uniquely tailored to temperate North America (but applicable to landscapes spanning the globe), we know of no other English-language course that covers the history, biology, ecology, economy, design and management of these sprout-based practices so extensively.
This workshop is for homesteaders, foresters, homeowners, gardeners, farmers, land managers, land designers and property owners. As well as those that are:
– overwhelmed with information, know a bit about coppice agroforestry but aren’t sure where to start;
Mondays at 4pm PT, 5pm MT, 6pm CT, 7pm ET
60-90 Minutes of Presentation
30 Minutes of Q&A
Class 8 – March 6 – Individual Design Presentations, Questions & Next Steps
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