Thanks for stopping by. We’re glad you are interested in this workshop.
Get ready to learn about:
– STORING enough food for your family for up to a year, or longer!
In 2020 many people, you may be one of them, experience for the first time in their lives that our FOOD SYSTEM IS FRAGILE.
Watching the news and hearing every year how food prices are increasing again, how imports are become more insecure, and about the waste and environmental impacts of the modern system of industrial agriculture is scary, especially when you have a family or community to provide for.
Food across Canada is predicted to increase by $695 or more for a family of 4 in 2021.
It’s no surprise that families across North America are increasingly turning to growing and raising their own food.
Families just like yours.
But what does it take to grow food for a whole year?
Is it even worth it?
How would you store your food?
How much space does it take?
What about meats or proteins?
How can I ensure that I have a good relationship with local farmers and what are the right ways for me and my family to shop local?
Growing, sourcing and preserving enough food for your family to keep you secure and fed for an entire year requires planning, know how and support, and it’s COMPLETELY POSSIBLE.
During this multi-week online series, Natalie Pepin and Javan K. Bernakevitch will guide you to:
– How to determine how much food your family needs for a year with easy to use tools.
– How much you need to plant.
– How much space you will need in the garden.
– How to preserve or store the food you grow so it will last you the whole year.
– How to develop a food shed map that will allow you to build the relationships you will need to access the food you can’t grow, while still staying true to your values.
– How to create a garden plan that will tell you how many seeds of each type of veggie to plant, how far apart to plant them and even – when you’ll be able to harvest that food based on your growing season.
– What equipment you will need for growing your garden.
– What equipment you’ll need in order to process and store all of your food.
You’ll be in the company of like-minded aficionados, family focused folks, foodies, and a learning community that’s motivated to learn more about both regenerative agriculture and how we can provide better food for our families with lower cost and build personal and family resiliency in the process.
Coming out of this workshop you will have, tailored to your family’s needs a:
– learning community to grow and learn with;
– food storage/need plan;
– garden plan;
– protein strategy;
– personalized local food shed map and implement strategy for food you can’t grow yourself;
– water bath canning plan;
– foraging food plan;
– fermentation plan for your food storage needs;
– dehydration and food preservation plan;
– pantry plan for dry storage goods;
– food storage maintenance and meal plan.
– Folks who want to learn how to provide enough food for their family without daily access to the grocery store;
– Anyone who’s aware that food prices are increasing and wants to do something about it;
– Anyone who saw their local food supply chain’s fragility and thought ‘perhaps I should secure my food supply a little better?’;
– Homesteaders;
– Urban gardeners;
– City Slickers;
• Anyone who’s keen to learn more about planning, sourcing, growing and storing enough food for yourself or your family for a year or longer;
NOTE – No previous knowledge of food growing is necessary.
This series will be conducted online in the comforts of your own home via video conference software. You will receive an email link to the workshop one week before the start date.
Over the SPRING/SUMMER/FALL growing season of 2021
We will be with you for the entire season over 12 one and half hour sessions.
You’ll begin to learn the skills needed to plan, source, grow, preserve and store your food. This is a skill set that takes years to learn and perfect BUT like all things of value the starting is the most important step of all.
Zoom Video Conference
Tuesdays at 5pm PST – 6pm MST
Lesson – 90 minutes
Q&A – 30 minutes (end early if no questions)
Class 1 – Mar 16th (Intro)
Class 2 – Mar 30th (Planning food storage)
Class 3 – Apr 13th (Garden plan)
Class 4 – Apr 27th (Protein plan)
Class 5 – May 11th (Food shed)
Class 6 – June 1st (Water bath and freezing)
Class 7 – June 22nd (Foraging)
Class 8 – July 6th (Pressure canning)
Class 9 – July 20th (Fermenting)
Class 10 – Aug 3rd (Dehydrating and root cellaring)
Class 11 – Aug 17th (Pantry)
Class 12 – Sept 7th (Use and Care)
• Natalie Pepin, Off Grid Homesteader and Farmer, Traditional Skills Instructor
Reskilled Living
“Taanishi! Dishinikawshon Natalie Pepin. I am a Metis woman in the Tawatinaw Valley in Alberta, Canada. I support indigenous people who are reclaiming their indigenous roots to connect with their culture through learning the traditional skills, arts, stories and teachings of our ancestors. I support indigenous people, who are severed from their traditions by legacy and trauma of colonization, who are discovering that their culture is beautiful. I teach indigenous arts workshops such as beading, moccasin making and brain tanning as a means of reconciliation and reconnection. “
Natalie is a Harvard graduate who left university with a profound desire to live simply and regain a connection with the land. Natalie has studied International Relations, Renewable Resource Management, Rangeland Management, Business, and Sustainability for Businesses. Natalie has taught alternative enegry workshops for children, traditional Aboriginal games, business development for women, and now shares with other aspiring homesteaders the skills to live a simple and connected life. Beyond her love of all things entrepreneurial, Natalie has a Permaculture Design Certificate and incorporates the principles of permaculture into all the she does, from raising children, running businesses, to supporting her students. You will likely first meet Natalie in a workshop at ReSkilled Life.
Natalie brings her homesteading skills to the centre and every season you will see her canning, tanning hides, knitting, sewing, making herbal remedies, making candles, making body products, and so much more. Living simply, being connected to the land and family are the most important things to this homesteading shepherd.
As an Aboriginal woman, Natalie seeks to bring her traditions, stories, and culture to life in the centre. In her Metis culture, being a bridge between two worlds is a longstanding value. With this as a firm guiding light, ReSkilled Life offers both domestic homesteading and indigenous arts focused workshops.
• Javan Kerby Bernakevitch, Homesteader and Part Time Farmer, Regenerative Land Designer and Educator
All Points Land Design
Javan K. Bernakevitch has worked across coastal and interior British Columbia, Canada, The Unites States of America (North West and North Central), Cuba, Kenya and Uganda on land based project design, management, training and installation. His career focus on regenerative retrofits of broad acre and small scale landscapes to re-establish working watersheds, ecosystems, productive landscapes and enterprises has taken him across North and Central America, Europe and Africa.
Integrating Keyline Design, Holistic Management, Permaculture, the Soil Food Web, Myco-Integration, Project Management and Business implementation he understands and emphasizes the importance of biological systems: soil, water-harvesting, landscape rehydration, composting, growing food, greywater, biological waste-water treatment balanced with financial viability.
The originator of All Points Life Design he works with clients focusing their lives to bring regenerative enterprises and productive landscapes to life. He operates Permaculture BC (www.permaculturebc.com) an education and community hub for permaculture in British Columbia and All Points Land Design (www.allpointsdesign.ca) focusing on land design and installation.
He currently is cultivating a growing homestead for his family and offering excess produce and herbal medical tinctures from the land he stewards.
As a speaker and workshop leader for community events, non-profit groups and businesses, Javan inspires and empowers audiences with a passion for change. He has been invited to guest lecture by the University of British Columbia, University of Victoria, Vancouver Island University and Simon Fraser University. Recent partnerships include working with the Cowichan Green Community, Seven Ravens Permaculture Academy, Galliano Conversation Association and Healthy Homes.
We are looking forward to having you in the course.
Natalie and Javan
Regenerative Living and Agriculture Workshop: Family Food
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