Apr 14, 2018 -Registration: https://www.permaculturedesign.ca/workshoplist
Bowen IslandTour gardens and natural spaces with a group of like minded people while exploring permaculture design methods, strategies and techniques for gardening and food forestry.
together we will :
explore permaculture principles, strategies and techniques
adventure through nature
discover food and medicine plants
experience education
share a potluck meal
watch permaculture media
do designs and integrative activities
and have an inspiring day learning and growing with nature.
Free for all participants.
to register email delvin@cosm.org for more details
This event was posted by Delvin Solkinson, a visitor to the site. For more information contact them directly at delvin@cosm.org.
This event was posted by a visitor, and not by Permaculture BC. As such Permaculture BC has NO FURTHER INFORMATION then what you see here. Do not call, email or toilet paper us with emails or phone calls, as we DO NOT KNOW THE ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION. With quiet resolve, patience and determination we thank you.