Jun 11, 2017 - Oct 14, 2018Registration: http://gaiacraft.com/category/courses/permaculture-design-certificates/
Sunshine CoastThe only limit to yield is the designers imagination
– Bill Mollison
Gaiacraft’s Permaculture Design Certification Program is co-taught by a dynamic male – female teaching team. These low cost, ultra flexible courses cater to the busyness of modern life. If you miss a class you can jump in on the the same module in a different class at no extra cost and there is no time limit to complete the certification.
Two of the programs are based on the Sunshine Coast and have a city meet up once a season. Langara College is hosting a program that is entirely based in the Greater Vancouver area. Once registered, people can bounce between courses for flexibility.
The program has been developed over the course of two Diplomas and a Masters Degree in Permaculture Education and continually upgraded over the 12 years it has been offered. We have an exciting teaching tool kit that transforms lectures into games and together we travel to many different permaculture farms, gardens and forest locations while sharing in a uniquely creative learning journey. The year long focus project is a map and design for where you live or an area of your choice. Completion of this course offers legitimate and formal certificates through Permaculture Institute and Permaculture Research Institute.
Gaiacraft Presents :
Southern British Columbia Urban-Rural
Permaculture Design Certification Course
Gather together a conscious and creative ring of learners to grow with plants and animals, gardens and farms to learn about how nature designs itself and how we can become sustainable designers ourselves. Together we will learn how to map and design our land and our lives, plan for emergency, grow organic food in all four seasons and work to build a more sustainable future. The certification granted upon completion of the course will empower participants as permaculture designers, consultants and beginner teachers able to use the word permaculture legally in their practice, business or project. This sustainability education eco-training certificate is a practical path for greening your life, resume and portfolio.
Join this adventure in learning as it journeys to farms, forests, gardens and eco-locations.
June 11, 2017 – September 9, 2018
Sunshine Coast locations include the Heart Gardens, Forest Atrium, Rolling Earth, Country Haven, Backyard Bounty. Vancouver locations include Compost Education Center, Loutet Farm, UBC Farm, Sole Food, Old Growth Forest sites and the properties of students who want to host.
Course Topics include:
design methods * patterns in nature * soils and composting * water * trees * animals * design for cool , tropical and arid climates * social permaculture * native food and medicine plants of the Coastal First Peoples and much much more. We have worksheets, permaculture design gaming tools, an online social networking and educational support platform, as well as hundreds of gardens as our living classroom.
The class caters anyone who wants to learn permaculture in a creative way but cannot afford the cost or intensive time commitment of other courses including lower-income families, students, youth and people for who are called permaculture but have been struggling to find a course that fits their life.
Heart Gardens : Sunshine Coast based course $777.
payment plans accepted
All proceeds go towards basic course costs and paying for Delvin and Kym’s permaculture education.
Delvin Solkinson is community gardener and plant poet dedicated to bringing creativity to the permaculture movement by creating free open source learning and teaching tools. He has completed a PDC, Diploma and Masters Degree with Bill Mollison and done advanced teacher trainings with Rosemary Morrow, Toby Hemenway, Larry Santoyo, Looby Macnamara, David Holmgren, Geoff Lawton, Patricia Michael, Robyn Francis, the Bullock Brothers, Tom Ward, Jude Hobbs, Scott Pittman, Michael Becker, Robin Wheeler, Robina McCurdy, Starhawk, Robina McCurdy and Robin Clayfield. He is an accredited teacher through the Permaculture Research Institute (Australia), Permaculture Academy (UK) and a Field Mentor through the Permaculture Institute (USA). Recently he completed a PDC in Portland with Toby Hemenway, one in Greece with Rosemary Morrow and a second Diploma through the Permaculture Institute. Currently he is doing graduate work under the mentorship of Larry Santoyo and Looby Macnamara.
Kym Chi is a dedicated advocate of earth stewardship, people care and regenerative action for future resiliency. Deeply inspired by nature, art and experiential education, her main efforts are as a creative facilitator, artist, gardener, healer and community builder. To date; Kym has received 3 certificates in Permaculture Design, completed multiple teacher trainings and taken a variety of advanced trainings. She continues to take courses and is currently completing a Diploma in Education through the Permaculture Institute. Through her stewardship of a deepened connection with the natural environment, Kym wishes to inspire creative self expression that enriches lives, creating healthy and abundant habitats and communities. With a focus on Social Permaculture, Kym also works for One Straw Society, a non profit focusing on food sovereignty and community resiliency on the Sunshine Coast.
This event was posted by Delvin Solkinson, a visitor to the site. For more information contact them directly at delvin@cosm.org.
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