May 3, 2019 - May 5, 2019Registration: https://earthrepair.friendsofthetrees.net
Fort Worden Conference CenterMay 3 – 5, 2019
Port Townsend, WA, USA
The Global Earth Repair Conference is for people who have devoted their lives to Earth repair or who wish to.
Ceremony – Keynotes – Workshops – Round-table discussions – Panels – Planning meetings – Caucuses – Indigenous Voices
Honoring our Earth Repair heroes & heroines
“…what is needed is a real grass-roots, bottom-up, locally-managed restoration mass underground movement of informed people, a groundswell of popular opinion driven by a green ethos, to regreen our planet and recarbonize our soil.”
Quote from Geotherapy. Thomas Goreau, et al.
Restoration efforts in the world are already substantial and there is a lot of experience and knowledge to draw on. The Global Earth Repair Conference is an exchange of information between earth repair practitioners. The conference addresses both the technical and social aspects of planetary regeneration. International participation via internet.
We anticipate having practitioners in all of these topics and resultant syntheses.