Each year, the Regional Permaculture Convergence alternates between Oregon and Washington State. There will be site tours, panels and presentations, educational fair and more.
All the information about the 2015 Northwest Permaculture Convergence, as it comes together, can be accessed on this website. Check frequently for updates.
The Convergence is a unique opportunity to share what we are learning to reduce our environmental footprints, build resilient communities and take care of more needs closer to home.
Permaculture is a set of principles, values and approaches to designing systems for taking care of human needs that are friendly to people and planet.
Who will be interested? People into – downsizing and green lifestyles, resilient neighborhoods, organic gardening, permaculture, solar design, green business, rural resilience, social cohesion, DIY, mutual assistance with friends and neighbors, fun, alternative culture and economy, peaceful and healthy world, local food systems and the suburban frontier.
Over the years, the Convergence has been held in a variety of locations, urban and rural. This will be the first time the Convergence will be in a suburban neighborhood. Many out of town participants will be accommodated in the neighborhood, putting up tents in host back yards.
Within a fifteen minute bike ride of the Rec Center, there are numerous home permaculture projects with more in Eugene. Tours on Friday will visit sites featuring front yard gardens, rain water systems, green building, solar design, edible landscaping, accessory buildings, community filbert grove, reclaiming automobile space, collaborations between neighbors such as cooperative projects, fences down and shared properties.
River Road is also developing a green culture at the same time it increases on the ground green infrastructure. Many neighbors are working together in mutual interest such as taking fences down, educational initiatives, social occasions and property sharing. Dharmalaya Center and Suburban Permaculture are core parts of the River Road permaculture zone with outreach to the broader community. Its the very early going but River Road provides a variety of early looks for what suburbia can become.
There are many more sites to visit in Eugene such as East Blair Housing Co-op, Maitreya Eco Village, Grass Roots Garden, Duma Co-op, Common Ground Garden, home scale permaculture, green businesses and much more. Important permaculture learning centers, Lost Valley and Aprovecho are near Eugene.
Indoors at the Rec Center we anticipate plenary sessions, presentations, panels and break out groups that will touch on many realms of interest, urban and rural – nuts and bolts, how to DIY, greening neighborhoods, faith communities go green, youth education, co-ops, green economics, bio regional issues, collaborations with the mainstream, “green preparedness” and more.
An educational fair is also planned which will include educational booths, green businesses, and skill share. The site tours in town and educational fair will be free and open to the public. Indoor panels, presentations, Saturday party and dining will be by modest admission. Residents of River Road who live in the county will receive reduced admission.
Out of town participants will be encouraged to bring bikes, car pool, take the bus or train to minimize cars in the neighborhood. River Road is transportation friendly with the Rec Center served by city bus. An Amtrak station downtown is three miles away with a beautiful bike path from town to within ten minutes of the Rec Center. Event pricing will serve to encourage minimal use of cars.
Updates –Please check back to this website in coming weeks for program updates, volunteer information, registration, proposing a presentation and more.
Permaculture is a science based ethical design system. Used to answer the all encompassing question “How do we live sustainably?” Founded in three ethics – Earth Care, People Care and Fair Share practitioners of permaculture use nature inspired design with tools and methods based in science, engineering, agriculture, finances, community building to create sustainable regenerative human habitat. This design system uses organic agriculture, urban farming, regenerative design, and many other ways of knowing to teach and provide a practical framework for individuals to take responsibility for themselves, their children and their community.