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O.U.R. Ecovillage & EAT Permaculture Design Certificate with Starhawk

O.U.R. Ecovillage & EAT Permaculture Design Certificate with Starhawk


May 30, 2024 - Jun 30, 2024



O.U.R. Ecovillage’s Permaculture Design Program, co-created with Starhawk & Earth Activist Training, is deeply rooted within a relational pedagogy and ‘kinship worldview.’ We intend to ‘Dive Deep’ into ecological knowledge building and welcome you to join us.

In Decolonizing Permaculture & educating for Climate and Nature Emergency…we recognize that ‘we are all teachers and we are all learners’…this grouping of educators, community practitioners, adult learners, parents, and youth will take the journey together to build capacity & interdependence as intergenerational/intercultural/interfaith learners.
Shifting patterns, exploring worldviews, and practicing tools and capacity building creates new possibilities when stepping into deep-dive ‘probiotic’ ecological knowledge building.

Our 2024 Permaculture Design Programming offers a variety of opportunities for people of all ages and lived experience to gather for a co-creative inquiry into how to hold each other as we grow into the certainly uncertain future…and listen to what calls us forward.

This event was posted by Cee Deiseal, a visitor to the site. For more information contact them directly at

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