Mar 1, 2022 - May 7, 2025Registration: https://www.pacificrimcollege.com/faculties-programs/program/permaculture-design-and-resilient-ecosystems-diploma/
The Permaculture Design and Resilient Ecosystems Diploma is a 9-month program that provides training for participants who are interested in creating resilient and regenerative systems and lifestyles within the context of Permaculture design processes, tools, methods and strategies.
Providing an immersive curriculum in permaculture design, this training goes above and beyond basic training and includes courses in:
Foundational Permaculture concepts including:
Ethics and principles and Indigenous perspectives
Pattern literacy including:
Mapping and design methods
Ecological literacy including:
Mushrooms, plants & animals, soils, water, ecological restoration, bioremediation and herbalism
Design literacy including:
Organizational planning, governance, economy, community building & development, facilitation, natural building and applied design.
This event was posted by Kym Chi , a visitor to the site. For more information contact them directly at permaculture@pacificrimcollege.ca.
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