It’s Javan here; hope you’ve been reading, learning and listening to what’s currently happening in our world and you are ready to take action.
For thousands of students around the world, completing a Permaculture Design Course is a pivotal step from feeling helpless and depressed about the state of the world to seeing an opportunity in crisis – being an agent of positive change.
And that’s not just an agent of change for themselves, but for their family, community and world at large.
This year I’m collaborating with Rob and Michelle Avis on two of their residential Permaculture Design Certificate Courses in Invermere, BC. After witnessing their PDC last year I can say I was duly impressed with their technical mastery of the permaculture curriculum and the substantial amount they’ve added with regional specifics to make your education as tailored as possible.
It’s a high level, in person, exceptionally well present course.
And I’d know, I’ve been involved in over 30 PDC’s.
Rob and Michelle have three ways to take their PDC: from their Foundational and Premium and Professional Package. The later provides exceptional one-on-one business coaching and development. At any level, their PDC is geared towards the person who’s finished with supporting a culture that degrades our world, and ready to make permaculture a part of their life.
For you, the Permaculture BC supporter, I have another leg up for you in additional savings on the three package levels.
Enter the codes below during your registration process and you’ll add these savings to your enrollment. Just another way to help you get into action with some of the best education available.
Savings on the upcoming Spring and Fall PDCs:
Foundational Package – $50 off – PBCVERGEFoundational08
Premium Package – $100 off – PBCVERGEPremium11
Professional Development Package – $150 off – PBCVergePD87
Thanks for reading and I hope to see you in class.
Be Fruitful and Mulch Apply,
Javan K. Bernakevitch
Click here to go to the course information and registration page.
Become a Permaculture Change Agent for Your Community in Just 2 Weeks in a Superior Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) Course Taught by Engineers for Visionary Professionals.
What makes our PDC unique?
Even the most gung-ho advocates for going green are realizing that the small, simple steps – curly light bulbs, tankless water heaters, and reusable bags – don’t even begin to touch the profound challenges we’re facing now…
…Not to mention the massive problems coming down the pike!
Instead, we need a deeper solution:
…one that goes beyond green…
…one that looks beyond individual issues like overflowing landfills, pollution of waterways, GMOs, melting glaciers, and megastorms…
…one that works with, instead of against, natural processes and systems…
We need a regenerative solution that rebuilds ecosystems and communities the way they were meant to function.
…a holistic approach to the environment that blends ancient knowledge with 21st-century clean technology
…a creative approach to community-building that’s rooted in the most basic principles of life and social sciences…
…a technically sophisticated, locally appropriate approach to designing and building human habitat and alternative energy solutions…
Most of all, we need an inclusive approach to change that embraces blue jeans and designer suits, cob and pervious concrete, upcycled rain-barrels and condensation catchment…
Sound incredible? It’s not – in fact, this is precisely what you’ll discover in our Permaculture Design Certificate course.
Click here to go to the course information and registration page.
Meshing primal wisdom with modern technology for a regenerative career and lifestyle
Permaculture (“permanent” + “culture” + “agriculture”) provides a big-picture perspective, using nature’s patterns and rules as a basis for designing your home, backyard garden, business, community commons, and municipal streets and parkways.
It’s a systematic, regenerative approach that tackles big problems –and solves them – with sweeping effects.
For example:
- Erosion is creating deserts on every continent…
…and permaculturists are using simple, low-tech strategies to rebuild soil and create lush oases not in decades but years…
- City water supplies are growing more toxic from chemicals used in purification…
…and permaculturists are using plants to transform sewage to clean, drinkable water…
- Mainstream energy, water, and food supplies are getting steadily more expensive and less safe…
…and permaculturists are building local renewable energy installations, community water-harvesting systems and self-sustaining gardens…
Forests are being clear-cut for wood, farmland, drilling, fracking and mining, speeding up global warming, erosion, and species extinctions…
…and permaculturists are planting food forests to clean the air and water, build soil, and provide fuel, food, shelter and habitat…
- Trash is choking landfills and oceans, and washing up onto beaches…
…and permaculturists are turning waste into a valuable resource, starting up businesses and profiting from harnessing it…
- Toxic waste sites are multiplying around the world…
…and permaculturists are cleaning up some of them in a matter of months using plants, fungi and microbes…
- Personal and national debts are racking up and economies are getting steadily more unstable…
…and permaculturists are setting up local currencies, barter systems and time banks to bypass the staggering dollar…
- Developers are pulling in megamillions while families get sick in poorly built, unhealthy, chemically-processed homes…
…and permaculturists are building simple, low-energy homes, made with indigenous natural materials, debt-free…
And that’s just the beginning!
Grads Say: “I can’t express enough the value for all people to learn permaculture principles; and Verge made this learning fun, factual and provided a nurturing environment to do it in.” – Shauna Treare, Winlaw, BC Tricycle Acres |
If you’re mind-boggled by the sheer range of these permaculture solutions – so were we!
As engineers, we’re accustomed to taking a laser-focused approach to problems within complex human-made systems. And we know from experience that you could spend years of study, and a fortune in tuition, learning how to develop targeted technological solutions for our environmental challenges.
But experience has also taught us that those limited solutions won’t even begin to touch the full range of issues we face…and may even make them worse.
Why? Here’s the difference: The planet isn’t a machine…it’s a complex web of interdependent living systems, and far more than the sum of its parts.
So to solve the problems at their root, you need to understand how the system works as a whole:
- how to observe and understand natural patterns and processes…
- how to design and support sustainable, self-regenerating systems.…
- how to intervene when something goes wrong…
- how to create a household…a neighbourhood…a community…a local economy…and a culture that exists in harmony with the natural world.
And that’s when you can make really profound changes happen!
This is the holistic approach you’ll begin to learn in Verge’s PDC. For a tiny fraction of what it would cost to earn a conventional environmental degree elsewhere, you’ll discover the secrets that keep a healthy ecosystem and society thriving…and learn how you can use those secrets to create a successful, regenerative business, empower your community and “green” your world in ways you never imagined!
Grads Say: “Thank you for the density of vital information for creating resilient communities. Thank you for the inspiration to find innovative opportunities for right livelihood, positive creation, earth repair…and true happiness! Thank you for the introduction to a vital, vibrant community.” – Chrystel Vultier, Canmore, AB farmbox.ca |
Whether you’re a multi-degreed, credentialed professional or an entrepreneurial graduate of the School of Life, we can guarantee this is like no course you’ve ever taken before.
With its sheer depth and range of topics, the program’s appreciating value, its unique and pioneering structure, ourthree levels of engagement to fit your schedule, budget, and business vision, – and, last but not least, our track record of graduates’ successful businesses – this course will give you new hope and a new vision, the technical and business foundations to build it on, and the community-building skills to support it.
If you’re looking for a springboard into a new business or career – one that can make the crucial difference for you, your community, and the planet in the hard times that are approaching –this is the course to take.
Don’t spend another day in frustration and outrage at the dire headlines. Sign up today, and take your first step toward becoming a permaculture change agent.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Michelle and Rob Avis
Don’t forget the savings to be had:
Foundational Package – $50 off – PBCVERGEFoundational08
Premium Package – $100 off – PBCVERGEPremium11
Professional Development Package – $150 off – PBCVergePD87
Click here to go to the course information and registration page.