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Permanomics! Finding our niche & right livelihood.


Oct 8, 2014 -


Sunset Room

Living the new Economy-Victoria, BC, Education in Action Series Presents:


Right Livelihood: Using Permaculture and Holistic Management to design a profitable and high quality life

Applying permaculture principles to economic models for individuals to design their ethics and morals into economic right livelihood. So what the heck does that actually mean?

By using what our ancestors would call common sense, we apply the design approach of permaculture, a collection of design directives, principles and patterns to our inherent perennial skills. In combining this design approach and techniques of self observation we discover and design economic niches where our morals can meet a world, hungry for innovative solutions. Over the course of the evening, Javan K. Bernakevitch, of Permaculture BC will guide curious souls and seasoned entrepreneurs through a process of applied permaculture. We will walk through the steps of Holistic Management Goal Setting (Holistic Context), Zones of Brilliance and finally the 8 Forms of Capital as outlined by Regenerative Enterprise to outline a new or reinforce an existing niche.

Part of being able to identify our niches is to make good, proactive, beneficial decisions. Holistic Context provides a decision making framework for students, gardeners, politicians, teachers, entrepreneurs and permaculturists to achieve the quality of life they’re desiring.

By the end of the evening you’ll be introduced to a process to observe, assess and implement potential niches for further interest or income development. Not to mention you’ll have the chance to meet some incredible people to connect on that which matters most, your life.

This course is probably a good fit for:

  • – those who are open to a new way of thinking about capital, decision making and applying ecological principles to their lives
  • – farmers who would benefit from a decision making framework that will increase their profit and their quality of life
  • – students who are looking towards their future and thinking, “What I’m going to do with my life?”
  • – small business owners who want to further clarify their goods and services as well as the niches they currently occupy and possible new ones
  • – permaculture practitioners or permaculture students who want to add another powerful tool for client assessment and visioning to their tool-belt

This course is probably not a good fit for those who:

  • – are not ready for something new in their lives.
  • – feel entitled by North American living and they’re “owed” something by the world.
  • – feel they’ve “already done enough life work” or “this is the same as another process I’ve done, I’m not going to be open to a new process.”
  • – feel like the very word “capital” has been so misused that is should never be uttered again.

To get the Most Benefit:

  • For those that would like to receive the most out of the evening there are two articles below to be pre-read before the course. The first is the Very Edible Gardens Holistic Management Approach Article in three parts. There are some exceptional videos in this article, diagrams and explanation of what the Holistic Context is and how to go about using it.
  • The second is the Regenerative Enterprise 8 Forms of Capital Article explaining that a triple bottom line isn’t enough, People, Planet and Profile. Why isn’t it enough? Because it doesn’t paint the whole picture of our lives. Holistic thinking requires a broadening of how we approach the capitals we create in our lives. This is a great article that allows the reader to re-conceptualize what it means to build capital it all of it’s forms. If you’re very keen on this work check out the further explanation as laid out in the Regenerative Enterprise Book.


Very Edible Gardens Holistic Management Approach Article

PART 1 – http:// 05/08/ holistic-management-veg-par t-one-defining-whole-manag ement/

PART 2 – http:// 05/10/ holistic-management-veg-par t-two-articulating-holisti c-context/

PART 3 – http://

Regenerative Enterprise 8 Forms of Capital Article =

Regenerative Enterprise Book –


TICKETS for IN-PERSON attendance OR, ON-LINE Live Streamed Broadcast attendance here:

our facilitator



Javan K. Bernakevitch has worked across Coastal and Interior British Columbia, The Unites States of America (North West and Central North), Cuba, Kenya and Uganda in land based project design, management, training and installation. His career has focused on regenerative retrofits of broad acre, small scale landscapes and life and land design to help client’s discover their niches.

Using a craftsmen toolbox, Javan integrates Keyline Design, Holistic Management, Permaculture, the Soil Food Web and Myco-Integration to conceptualize and implement his client’s wishes within the possibilities a property’s potential.

Javan lives on the West Coast of British Columbia in a multi-stand sustainable forest, teaching and applying his trades when he isn’t traveling across the globe helping individuals, private and public entities to establish long term regenerative land based systems that are both profitable and ecologically sound.

He operates Permaculture BC ( a hub for permaculture in British Columbia and All Points Land Design through Kbern Consulting.

TICKETS for IN-PERSON attendance OR, ON-LINE Live Streamed Broadcast attendance here:

*In-person Attendance – $39

*Live Broadcast Attendance – $10

*10 pay what you can tickets – for In-Person Attendance. (We use the honour system here. If you truly cannot afford the full rate, please feel free to purchase your in-person ticket here.)



At the in-person event we will invite you to participate in this leading-edge way of ticket pricing. You will buy your seat in advance – that’s the base price. At the end of the event you will have an opportunity to participate in the following options:

a. get your money, or portion of your money back. No questions asked (but do tell us why if you want to)

b. hold with the original price

c. add a donation to the ticket price understanding that that money is an indication of your own desire to invest in the continuance of the good work you have just participated in and the value you have received for yourself and the value you perceive in this work on a larger scale.



Living the New Economy events will inspire new collaborations, facilitate new project partnerships, accelerate the work of social entrepreneurs, and showcase local innovation. (live soon!)

Past events at

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Twitter: @NewEconomy_ca

Instagram: @LNEyyj
Hashtags: #LNEyyj #GlobalLive


TICKETS for IN-PERSON attendance OR, ON-LINE Live Streamed Broadcast attendance here:



“5 Stars for Javan (I-can-never-say-his-last-name-right) Bernakevitch for Exploring Functions and Finding Niches.”

“In his presentation, Exploring Functions and Finding Niches, Javan deftly demonstrated how to take the permaculture zones and apply them to help me recognize inherent natural patterns in myself. It was an eye-opening experience that led me to be able to create my new path and define my own personal success. Using permaculture design techniques, he showcased how to turn the observation lens inward and analyze my zones of brilliance.”

“He is an engaging speaker that instilled enough confidence in me that I could take the scariest of all steps…the first one.”

~ A.J. Gentry – May 2014

“In the fall of 2013, I had the privilege of studying with Michael Nickels and Javan Bernakevich at Seven Ravens Permaculture Academy. I learned much about permaculture as it applies to the Earth, its peoples and ecosystems, but what was especially inspiring was Javan’s process of applying permaculture principles to people to help them discover their niches and goals.

The Holistic Goal process encouraged me to examine my strengths, my weaknesses, my passions and interests, and formulate these characteristics into a unified statement of purpose. Each step built the foundation for the next and by the end of the course Javan helped me immeasurably by identifying what exactly it is that I wanted to do with my permaculture education, and how to get there.

I am now the proud owner of a permaculture design company in Lethbridge, Alberta called Edible Earthscapes. We’ve worked with several clients in our first few months, presented at an organic farmers’ meet and greet, and taught a class on designing and building herb spirals. The holistic goals that I developed give clarity and focus to my passion, which forms the basis for my company. On a personal level, it’s been an immense help in some major life decisions.

I keep the goal sheet that I produced at Seven Ravens taped to my desk so that I can look at it everyday I sit down to work on designs. This constant feedback ensures I stay on track, and it also ensures that I’m still on board with my purpose. The beauty of Javan’s process is that it’s mutable, and encourages introspection and reality checks so that I stay true to myself.”

~ Tim Wickstrom, Lethbridge Alberta, Edible Earthscapes, 2014


TICKETS for IN-PERSON attendance OR, ON-LINE Live Streamed Broadcast attendance here: