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Practical Permaculture Program in East Africa


Oct 11, 2019 - Nov 8, 2019

Come with us on a transformative journey to Kenya and Uganda this October for a month long adventure.

This student opportunity for advanced permaculture training involves installing a 3-acre food forest at Kakamega School for Deaf Children in Kenya and building a demonstration farm at Dream Farm Kakyabunga in Uganda.

You will get over 120 hours of hands-on permaculture experience with renowned permaculture educators Brandon Bauer and Josephat Barasa. You will also learn about how to have a positive social and environmental impact through humanitarian projects.

The trip cost is $5000 and includes return airfare, food, local transportation, lodging, charitable contributions to both projects plus a weekend safari.

Knowledge of permaculture is an asset but not a requirement.

Please visit our page for more details or send us an email!

We look forward to hearing from you!


This event was posted by Marie-Pierre Bilodeau, a visitor to the site. For more information contact them directly at

This event was posted by a visitor, and not by Permaculture BC. As such Permaculture BC has NO FURTHER INFORMATION then what you see here. Do not call, email or toilet paper us with emails or phone calls, as we DO NOT KNOW THE ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION. With quiet resolve, patience and determination we thank you.

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