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PV2: Profitable Permaculture

PV2: Profitable Permaculture


Mar 4, 2015 - Mar 8, 2015


Sheraton San Diego Hotel


The stories, strategies, and starting into right-livelihood.

Permaculture Voices 2015 (PV2)

Meet the people that you need to meet and get answers to the unanswered questions.

March 4-8, 2015 | San Diego, CA

Over $375.00 in FREE BONUSES with each ticket.

Scholarships Available

How can you change the world if you can’t make a living in the process?

It’s too common for people within the permaculture and sustainability movement to do work that they care about, but scrape by financially.

And the reality of that is, at the end of the day that type of lifestyle isn’t sustainable – the values are there, but the economics are not.

Can you make a living from a career that aligns with your values?

We believe you can.

Our mission at PV is to help people who embrace permaculture’s ethics to make a profitable and comfortable living doing work that aligns with who they are and what they stand for.

This means doing work that is financially profitable, and looking beyond the numbers to make sure that the work is environmentally, social, and emotionally profitable. Think of it as whole systems business. Without looking after each of these components the whole thing falls apart.

And we believe that when more people start doing that type of work, then we change the world.

We are at a point in time where there is a lot wrong out there. And we can either complain about it and accept it and live with it, or we can step out of our comfort zone and change it.

Permaculture Voices is a catalyst for that change.

Many times that change comes in the form of business. Whether we work for someone else or for ourselves we spend a huge part of our lives doing work.

Does that work matter? Does the world care about your work? And more importantly do you care about your work?

On the flipside, are you doing work that matters to you, but is it financially sustainable? Not just now, but into the future. Will the work that you love support the life that you want to live?

These are important questions to ask, and difficult questions to answer. We are here to help you with that process.

We want to see you align your work with your values and grow your business, revenue and impact so your life both purposeful and sustainable.

It’s totally possible.

Stick around for a while and you will hear the real stories of people out there doing it.



Founder & Head Story Teller