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Richard Walker: Food Forestry


Sep 15, 2018 - Sep 16, 2018


All Nations Wellness center

We are excited to invite Richard Walker to share his 25 years of experience as a food forester, landscape designer, herbalist and instructor.

His experience includes starting one of Canada’s first food forest In 1984. At hIs Dragon’s Eye Nursery (Grand forks) he developed an incredible wealth of skill and knowledge about which plants are the most effective, low maintenance choices for diverse food production. He has also developed an immense knowledge of herbs, so that he can both grow food and medicine in his food forests. Richard has created a simple, creative lifestyle out of his food forestry that is based on sustainability, or in his own words “gardening for one thousand years”.

Food forestry is wonderful practice of creating food and medicine while using the natural tendencies of the plants to support the health of the plants, and the people who inhabit the food forest.

You will walk away with a wealth of knowledge on design, grafting, composting, plant care, herbology, and how to do this all in a creative and sustainable way.

The $250 workshop cost includes: camping; healthy; meals; 12 hours of workshop time; and supplies. There will be opportunities to engage in food forestry techniques during the workshop.

Email if you are interested.

This event was posted by Richard Walker at All Nations Wellness Center, a visitor to the site. For more information contact them directly at

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