For most, compost is kitchen scraps thrown into a green bin… and usually smells.
For those that work with plants, animals and soil, compost is the gold that can make or break your lawn, landscapes, ornamentals, garden or farm.
Making compost is more than throwing kitchen scraps into a green bucket for a city pick up or put into a black bin in the backyard.
Good compost is equal parts science and art.
Leaning on the science of living organism in soil (called the Soil Food Web) this course teaches you how to build exquisitely effective compost in 30 days.
In 30 days, you’ll be guided on what materials to use, how to build, measure and maintain your compost with leading science on the subject and two instructors with over 20 years of experience.
Who this course is a GREAT FIT FOR
If you’re dealing with :
- Unhealthy Soil
- Sickly Plants
- Smelly Soil (anaerobic)
- Toxic biocides for pest mitigation
And want:
- Healthy Plants
- Nutrient dense food
- Beautiful chemical free Lawns
- Increased biodiversity in soil/ecosystem
- Increased Flavour of Food Plants
This course is for you.
Who this course is NOT A GREAT FIT FOR
- Folks who have no interest in Compost
- Folks who have no TIME (30-day commitment), ROOM (6′ X 10′ for compost, and then 20×30 for prep buckets, storing material) or RESOURCES (200 gal of Materials or 40 5 gal buckets) to build a compost.
- Folks who love their insecticides, fungicides or biocides and don’t want to change.
- Monsanto, this means you. Although Monsanto, let’s have a little heart to heart, you know and we know that your business model of death for dollars isn’t really doing you or anyone else any good… so… if you’re an employee of Monsanto and want to learn how to make biologically active compost send us an email and we’ll make access to the course easier for you to come over from the dark side.
What’s Included
This is an online course that goes through the step by step process to produce biologically alive compost that takes up the work of fertilizing and helping maintain your lawn, ornamentals, and gardens.
• Details on the compost container – including all of the tools and supplies used
• The compost ingredients and basic guidelines on sourcing ingredients for your own compost
• Daily moisture and temperature recording
• Potential setbacks in maintaining and managing a compost pile
Our Guarantee with this course is if you take the course, apply what you’ve learned, measure your soil before and after, your efforts will improve by 100%.
Where else do you see a 100% return on your investment?
If you don’t improve by 100% we return your money, no problems, no fuss.
Jo Tobias
Lead by Jo Tobias of Root Shoot, you have the benefit of being taught by a Soil Food Web consultant who’s on the leading edge of the science behind the Soil Food Web.
Javan K. Bernakevitch
Supporting Jo to help teach this course is Javan K Bernakevitch, owner and operator of All Points Land Design and Permaculture BC. An ecology teacher for 15 years Javan brings 10 years of experience of working with the living elements of the soil to this course.
If you’re interested in this course please fill out this form to be notified when the course is available for registration.
Sign up here for when the course is open for registration.