Aug 13, 2021 - Aug 15, 2021Registration: https://www.inspirationfarm.com/event/terraforming/
August 13, 2021 @ 12:00 pm – August 15, 2021 @ 4:00 pm
Join us for a unique permaculture design earthworks experience! This workshop will give you firsthand insights into design considerations and principles based on the clients objectives. We will explain stages of the design process, from observation, working with the client, through to the final design and real live implementation on the property over the weekend.
This workshop will cover reading the landscape for water retention and management. Diving into, Mapping, ponds, swales, reed-beds, terraces, key line design, implementation cover cropping and guild planting. This will be a hands-on workshop/installation, with earth moving equipment and lasers!
Day one, will be introductions and an overview of the design considerations and the scope of the project. A site tour assessing information on, water, soils, access, structural positions, slope, orientation, zoning and sectors.
Day two, we will demonstrate how to work with earthworks machine operators to achieve desired permaculture design goals. Exercises in designing watersheds and a variety of strategies used.
Day three, we will fine tune aspects of the project and install cover crop and some of the food forest guilds. This workshop is intended to help you to become a more confident earthwork installer. You will get familiar with the equipment and strategies used to efficiently get the job done.
WHAT YOU CAN LEARN: Site Observation Skills, Site Assessment Process, Design Evolution Process, Earthworks Process, Design and Work Methodology, Site Restoration with Cover Crops and Guild Planting considerations.
PROJECT BRIEF: This workshop will implement a permaculture master plan by converting old pasture with invasive grasses into a diversified food forest. The project will encompass 5 of 20 acres. Over time the property will be used to host an educational center for nature based early childhood education and multi-generational skill building workshops focused on sustainable methods of food production and preservation. The long-term goal is to provide opportunities for the local community and visitors to reconnect with each other and nature while cultivating more harmonious and resilient relationships.
Lead Instruction by Brian Kerkvliet co-steward of Inspiration Farm and a 15 year Permaculture practitioner, designer, consultant. A Student of Geoff Lawton in design methodologies and earthworks for Permaculture projects. Brian has designed and installed numerous projects around the county.
Camping available and Meals provided
Cost: $450 | Register before July 1st for the Early bird discount $375
Space is limited. Payment due upon registration. Limited Work trade and discounts available.
Click Here to REGISTER Now
For information on the course please contact Brian at Inspiration Farm or call 360-319-2029
For information on camping, food, the project site please contact Connor or call 360-489-8098
This event was posted by Brian Kerkvliet, a visitor to the site. For more information contact them directly at info@inspirationfarm.com.
This event was posted by a visitor, and not by Permaculture BC. As such Permaculture BC has NO FURTHER INFORMATION then what you see here. Do not call, email or toilet paper us with emails or phone calls, as we DO NOT KNOW THE ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION. With quiet resolve, patience and determination we thank you.