It’s Javan here; hope you’ve been reading, learning and listening to what’s currently happening in our world and you are ready to take action.
For thousands of students around the world, completing a Permaculture Design Course is a pivotal step from feeling helpless and depressed about the state of the world to seeing an opportunity in crisis – being an agent of positive change. And that’s not just an agent of change for themselves, but for their family, community and world at large.
This year I’m collaborating with Rob and Michelle Avis on two of their residential Permaculture Design Certificate Courses in Invermere, BC. After witnessing their PDC last year I can say I was duly impressed with their technical mastery of the permaculture curriculum and the substantial amount they’ve added with regional specifics to make your education as tailored as possible.
It’s a high level, in person, exceptionally well present course. And I’d know, I’ve been involved in over 30 PDC’s.
Rob and Michelle have three ways to take their PDC: from their Foundational and Premium and Professional Package. The later provides exceptional one-on-one business coaching and development. At any level, their PDC is geared towards the person who’s finished with supporting a culture that degrades our world, and ready to make permaculture a part of their life.
For you, the Permaculture BC supporter, I have another leg up for you in additional savings on the three package levels.
Enter the codes below during your registration process and you’ll add these savings to your enrollment. Just another way to help you get into action with some of the best education available.
Savings on the upcoming Spring and Fall PDCs:
- Foundational Package – $50 off – PBCVERGEFoundational08
- Premium Package – $100 off – PBCVERGEPremium11
- Professional Development Package – $150 off – PBCVergePD87
Thanks for reading and I hope to see you in class. Be Fruitful and Mulch Apply,
Javan K. Bernakevitch