Cherry Tree Permaculture in partnership with the Regional District of Okanagan Similkameen presents this workshop on the Soil Food Web.
In this presentation, we will explore the amazing world of life beneath our feet. Explore strategies and techniques for working with and enhancing the Soil Food Web in our gardens and orchards.
Please also see the other workshops in this series:
Jan 13: Organic Pest Control
Feb 17: Water Efficient Gardens and Orchards
Cost: $20 per workshop or $50 for all 3.
Please email to register.
This event was posted by Rick Hatch, a visitor to the site. For more information contact them directly at
This event was posted by a visitor, and not by Permaculture BC. As such Permaculture BC has NO FURTHER INFORMATION then what you see here. Do not call, email or toilet paper us with emails or phone calls, as we DO NOT KNOW THE ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION. With quiet resolve, patience and determination we thank you.