Apr 28, 2019 - Apr 29, 2019Registration: https://www.deerparkhaven.farm/location-social-1
Deer Park Haven FarmLocal permaculturalist Joe Bowman is hosting a work party at his farm!
Joe Bowman is pioneering terraced (ie mountainside) farming in BC!
He is also innovating rapid soil-building with his laying hens – they turn the usual multi-year process into only 8 months with their scratching and pooping! Go, chickens, go! 🐔
And he is working with a young man from Germany with a Master’s degree in Silviculture to explore forest farming.
It’s a new farm and Joe has big plans – right now less than 2 of his 11 acre mountainside farm are under cultivation. He wants to expand that this year with the construction of a big new terrace.
Other Work Party projects include building a deck on his wwoofer cabin, putting in a root cellar, copsing and, inevitably, rock picking.
There’s on-site camping plus there will be a BBQ and a live jam band.
Bring work gloves, a shovel and a big bag of leaves!
RSVP Joe Bowman
This event was posted by Joe Bowman, a visitor to the site. For more information contact them directly at joe@hopebc.rocks.
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