Jun 20, 2020 - Jul 4, 2020Registration: http://linnaeafarm.org/permaculture-design-course-2020/
Linnaea FarmCome and learn about permaculture on site of the first ever PDC in Canada, on unceded traditional Klahoose territory.
Permaculture has the potential to be a positive solution to many of the challenges our global society faces today. It is a design science based on observing and integrating patterns of nature. It goes beyond ‘sustainable living’, and enters ‘regenerative’ living – producing beyond our individual needs, and healing/improving the land as we do so.
If you have been seeking a way to not only decrease your negative impact (“footprint”) on the world, but also increase your positive one (“handprint”), this course is for you.
It is during these turbulent, chaotic times that we – as a species – have the opportunity to restore the damage we have done and lay the foundation for a future in which we recognize our inherent connectedness with nature.
During this two week on-site immersive experience, you will get to learn from some of the greatest minds in the permaculture world in Canada.
Oliver Kellhammer (graduate of the Permaculture Institute of North America) is an ecological artist, activist and writer who has been teaching permaculture since the early 1990’s. He has started numerous community gardens, as well as has been cultivating a forest garden based on plants that thrived in the “Eocene” era, when carbon in the atmosphere was more abundant and temperatures were higher. As our climate shifts, this experiment could hold the key to how to best support our ecosystems through these rapid changes.
Read more about Oliver and his ongoing projects and installations here: http://oliverk.org/
Hannah Roessler is an ethnobotanist, agrologist, and educator. She consults for various community gardens and other small-scale permaculture sites. Her work is deeply entwined with Indigenous land management practices, and her focus is on how permaculture can bolster community resilience while acknowledging and respecting land ownership and the meaning of stewardship. Hannah teaches Permaculture and Ethnobotany at the University of Victoria, and founded the Permaculture Design and Resilience Ecosystems program at Pacific Rim College in Victoria. She also teaches at the Horticulture College of the Pacific and OUR Ecovillage.
Adam Huggins a naturalist, artist, and ecological restoration educator. He is currently acting as the Restoration Coordinator for the Galiano Conservancy Association, where he oversees restoration projects and assists in maintaining the Forest Garden and Native Plant Nursery. He moved from California to BC, and his work combines the fields of ecological restoration, regenerative agriculture, and conservation. He also produces and co-hosts the Future Ecologies podcast.
Guest instructors include Lelia Darwish, author of Earth Repair: A Grassroots Guide to Healing Toxic and Damaged Landscapes, Adam Schick, Tamara McPhail, Kirsten Vidulich and Anna Maria Stone.
For more information, visit: http://linnaeafarm.org/permaculture-design-course-2020/.
Farm-fresh food and on-site accommodation in a lakeside farmhouse including an ecological gardening library available – contact us for more details.
Our teachers share results of their cutting-edge work and how they’ve embraced Nature’s unsurpassed ability to adapt and thrive in the most adverse circumstances.
This event was posted by Anna Maria Stone, a visitor to the site. For more information contact them directly at annamariastone1@gmail.com.
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