Living Soil
There are living things in the soil that not only create the health of the soil but also the health of plants.
If plants are healthy then,
they are full of nutrition and full of flavour.
To recap:
- the right number and kind of living things in the soil equals;
- healthy soil which equals;
- healthy plants which equals;
- flavour and nutrition.
Not bags from the local garden supply store, but living organisms in the soil create healthy soil, needed for healthy plants.
Let that sink in for a moment.
The research behind this work has been built since 1982 when Dr Elaine Ingham and her colleagues tested to see if the living elements of the soil were necessary for plant growth. Spoiler alert they were necessary, every single one.
Dr Ingham called the complex workings of these living organisms “The Soil Food Web”
Explaining the Soil Food Web to a friend that replied with two fascinating responses:
- If there’s no food involved why is it called the soil FOOD web?
- And for that matter, if there are no spiders involved why the WEB part?
I had to chuckle, but she was right. Science isn’t always easily understood.
Science can have a lot of big words and jargon that for the most part can confuse trying to understand what most of us want to know:
- What is it?
- Why do I care?
- How do I use it?
And so this course was born.
A simple to understand course about the living elements of soil.
Super Soil is possible, we just have to use all the tools at our disposal and discard much of what’s being sold by companies and corporations.
Our Guarantee with this course is if you take the course, apply what you’ve learned, measure your soil before and after, your efforts will improve by 100%.
Where else do you see a 100% return on your investment?
If you don’t improve by 100% we return your money, no problems, no fuss.
Jo Tobias
Lead by Jo Tobias of Root Shoot, you have the benefit of being taught by a Soil Food Web consultant who’s on the leading edge of the science behind the Soil Food Web.
Javan K. Bernakevitch
Supporting Jo to help teach this course is Javan K Bernakevitch, owner and operator of All Points Land Design and Permaculture BC. An ecology teacher for 15 years Javan brings 10 years of experience of working with the living elements of the soil to this course.
If you’re interested in this course please fill out this form to be notified when the course is available for registration.
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