Write your post here…”Study Nature, Love Nature, stay close to Nature. It will never fail you.”
-Frank Lloyd Wright
Sharing the release of the ‘Core Curriculum Notes’, an essential synthesis of permaculture design from the core curriculum of the Permaculture Design Course. A book of notes formatted as worksheets being freely offered to the World Community. It functions as part of a learning and teaching toolkit in combination with the Permaculture Design Core Concepts Cards. This is made in British Columbia.
The download is a free offering at printable resolution here : http://gaiacraft.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Core-Curriculum-Notes-2017-Final.pdf
For anyone wanting a beautiful hardcopy professional book form you can order the book here : http://www.lulu.com/shop/gaiacraft-and-delvin-solkinson/gaiacraft-permaculture-design-core-curriculum-notes/hardcover/product-23314805.html
When you buy a book we get $14 towards developing more free open source learning and teaching tools.
Those wanting to support us but not purchase the book can donate by paypal to kym@gigglingchitree.com
This work is the culmination of 15 years of teaching 25 PDC’s during which time I took 20 advanced courses as well as a PDC with Rosemary Morrow in Greece, Bill Mollison and Geoff Lawton in Australia and Toby Hemenway in Portland. While developing this body of work I have taken a Diploma and Masters Degree with Bill Mollison and the Permaculture Academy, a Diploma with Larry Santoyo and Scott Pittman through the Permaculture Institute, and this version is part of my current Diploma with Looby Macnamara through the Permaculture Association. Done under the mentorship of Larry Santoyo, this represents the culmination of my Doctoral work in Permaculture Education.
“Information is the most portable and flexible investment we can make in our lives; it represents the knowledge, experience, ideas and experimentation of thousands of people before us.” – Bill Mollison and Reny Slay
Profound gratitude goes to Kym Chi for countless contributions and editing as well as intensive work on this over the past two years and to Sijay of onbeyondmetamedia.com for the truly exceptional design. More thanks for core contributions from Annaliese Hordern and Tamara Griffiths as well as editing and support from Jacob Aman, Niki Hammond and Tes Tesla. Special thanks for the source inspiration from Bill Mollison, David Holmgren, Rosemary Morrow, Toby Hemenway, Robin Clayfield, Larry Santoyo, Michael Becker, Looby Macnamara, Scott Pittman, Geoff Lawton, Robyn Francis, Mark Lakeman, Patricia Michael, Starhawk, Bullock Brothers, Tom Ward and Jude Hobbs. Deep appreciation for design on the earlier worksheets by Unity Life Avatar. Endless gratitude to countless others who supported me in creating and delivering this part of my life work in so many ways and who are acknowledged in the foreword to the book.
This blog post was created by Delvin Solkinson, a visitor to the site. For more information contact them directly at delvin@cosm.org, or at http://gaiacraft.com/core-curriculum-notes/.
This blog post was created by a visitor, and not by Permaculture BC. As such Permaculture BC has NO FURTHER INFORMATION then what you see here. Do not call, email or toilet paper us with emails or phone calls, as we DO NOT KNOW THE ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION. With quiet resolve, patience and determination we thank you.