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New podcast about the transition to a clean energy economy in BC

Energy transition is a key ingredient in moving toward a more sustainable way of living. In BC, we need to radically reduce our energy usage and move away from fossil fuels toward a clean energy economy based on technologies like solar power. What is this clean energy economy and how will it affect the ways we live? Will all drivers use electric cars? Could our homes be built from hemp? Can aquaponics feed communities in northern BC? How will green jobs provide new opportunities as fossil fuel jobs decline?These are just some of the questions tackled in a new podcast series produced by Sierra Club BC. You can subscribe and download the podcast for free at permaculture folks, this is a great podcast to share with friends and family who might not share your views or who are new to these ideas and are looking for inspiring, real-world examples of how we can make the needed shift to a new way of living in BC.When it comes to climate change, the debate is no longer whether we should move to clean energy, but how. Car manufacturers are moving to electric, building codes require energy efficiency, and countries like China and India…
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Easy to Understand Permaculture – A Book of Solutions

It takes a teacher to teach. There are many permaculturists, and practitioners that write and teach YET not all of them are writers and teachers. Here's where Matt Powers shine. He's a teacher. A performer. A seed saver, and all round exceptional human. And he saw the need as many others have to have a READABLE permaculture book that helps to explain concepts and strategies at an elementary level without devolving into a children's book (which he's written as well). The Permaculture Student 2 compiles a host of solutions digested into their most simple forms and presented in this incredible book. In truth, the online version has been more useful than a hard copy as I can search through it. But I'll let you decided, you won't be disappointed with this book in your library. Click here to purchase. 
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What is a Permacutlure Design Course to me?

Ask 10 people what Permaculture is, and you are likely to receive 10 different answers. You might get a similar variation when you ask what a PDC is. A PDC is a Permaculture Design Course, but it might also refer to a Permaculture Design Certificate, which participants receive upon completion of the course. For myself, the answer has changed over time.
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What “An Evening with Richard Walker”!

Permacutlure is the answer to the meaning of life. Apparently the answer to the meaning of life isn't 42, it's 48. 48 inhabitants from Vancouver Island attended and we filled the rafters at Community Micro Lending on Douglas St on May 13th for An Evening with Food Forester Richard Walker. As we neared the start time people just continued to fill into the space making a cozy and intimate room of some of the premier food activist, gardeners, instructors and farmers in the area.
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Creston farm living wants YOU!

Every once in a while the email inbox offers up a gem. In April I heard from two lovely people in Creston, BC who in their own words, "finally bought the old farm of our dreams." Attached to their statement of their farm was a call for support, "Can you help us link up to hardworking, land yearning young couples who may want to try working with us on the land?" Ummm, wow, and yeah I'll do what I can. Multiple emails later, images and conversations I'm please to present their request to you the potential hardworking, land yearning young couple(s) who are looking for land. Email permaculture
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From the UK to PEI – A story of island migration, floods, fortune and food.

Sandra Storr and her partner are of a growing crop of people working towards their dream… to live with nature in stead of against it. Building a home around their own food needs Sandra’s story illustrates their tenacity in finding the right place to set down roots and start to plant seeds. Sandra wrote her story for Permaculture BC demonstrating a solidarity of east and west island culture and the desire to find our own right livelihood. I hope you enjoy her story as much as I did.
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