This YouTube video provides an overview of the site’s functionality: is a web platform with the aim of promoting small-scale organic/regenerative farmers and grassroot organizations and enabling them to showcase their work and connect with the community more effectively. Regional Pages Farmers can create a profile (similar to LinkedIn), and share their information, growing methods, products and points of sale. Organizations can detail their mission and work in their profile. Farms and organizations can engage the community by advertising events, job/volunteer listings, buy/sell items, and knowledge sharing (similar to Craigslist). General public has access to a directory of regional farms and organizations and can find farmers markets, and find farms based on their produce, market type and CSA delivery. People also have access to job/volunteer and event listings. The regional map-based page provide visual understanding of the resources and connections within the region. So far, the functionality for the BC Southwest agricultural region is completed. Additional functionalities such as forums, messaging, and announcements to further facilitate connections will be hopefully implemented in the near future. Map Maker The ‘Map Maker’ enables creation of maps by combining data layers and map drawings. It also allows for distance and area…
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Charles and Elizabeth are seeking people who want to live on Snowshoe Creek, a 500 acre property on the Fraser River, 1 hour west of McBride, BC. We have a fenced 1 acre garden with raspberries, strawberries, black currants, rhubarb and asparagus. If you are interested, you will be independent, have carpentry, mechanical, permaculture and other skills to be sustainable on an off the grid property. There is a well-built cabin, wired/plumbed, solar and generator powered.
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It takes a teacher to teach. There are many permaculturists, and practitioners that write and teach YET not all of them are writers and teachers. Here's where Matt Powers shine. He's a teacher. A performer. A seed saver, and all round exceptional human. And he saw the need as many others have to have a READABLE permaculture book that helps to explain concepts and strategies at an elementary level without devolving into a children's book (which he's written as well). The Permaculture Student 2 compiles a host of solutions digested into their most simple forms and presented in this incredible book. In truth, the online version has been more useful than a hard copy as I can search through it. But I'll let you decided, you won't be disappointed with this book in your library. Click here to purchase.
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Busting up through the pavement like asparagus, over 80 people came out to listen and ask questions of Curtis Stone, a Kelowna urban SPIN farming.
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Every once in a while the email inbox offers up a gem. In April I heard from two lovely people in Creston, BC who in their own words, "finally bought the old farm of our dreams." Attached to their statement of their farm was a call for support, "Can you help us link up to hardworking, land yearning young couples who may want to try working with us on the land?" Ummm, wow, and yeah I'll do what I can. Multiple emails later, images and conversations I'm please to present their request to you the potential hardworking, land yearning young couple(s) who are looking for land. Email permaculture
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