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A map-based web platform for strengthening connections between farmers, organizations, and the community.

This YouTube video provides an overview of the site’s functionality: is a web platform with the aim of promoting small-scale organic/regenerative farmers and grassroot organizations and enabling them to showcase their work and connect with the community more effectively. Regional Pages Farmers can create a profile (similar to LinkedIn), and share their information, growing methods, products and points of sale. Organizations can detail their mission and work in their profile. Farms and organizations can engage the community by advertising events, job/volunteer listings, buy/sell items, and knowledge sharing (similar to Craigslist). General public has access to a directory of regional farms and organizations and can find farmers markets, and find farms based on their produce, market type and CSA delivery. People also have access to job/volunteer and event listings. The regional map-based page provide visual understanding of the resources and connections within the region. So far, the functionality for the BC Southwest agricultural region is completed. Additional functionalities such as forums, messaging, and announcements to further facilitate connections will be hopefully implemented in the near future. Map Maker The ‘Map Maker’ enables creation of maps by combining data layers and map drawings. It also allows for distance and area…
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Fermentation Revolution: making allies with bacteria

Fermented foods – like bread, cheese, wine and beer – have long been dietary staples. But the last few years have seen an upsurge in interest in home fermentation, with cooks making their own kimchi, sauerkraut, yogurt – and more complicated concoctions. Best of all, everybody can preserve at home this way and for cheap ! Homemade fermentation is a low-cost probiotic panacea ! It prolongs the life of your food, revives the immune system, soothes the digestive and nervous systems, regulates metabolism, wakes up your taste buds and brighten all meals! “There are only advantages to fermenting !” That is why food entrepreneurs, authors and all-around fermentation geeks David Coté and Sébastien Bureau teamed up with Possiblemedia. Sharing the ins and outs of traditional fermentation processes with a casual, humorous tone, and recipes that are not particularly rigid. Fermentation Revolution is an educational documentary filmed over several months in Quebec. It offers an unprecedented collection of fermentation methods, with an emphasis on their simplicity and ease of making. After years of refining the tools and techniques, this dynamic duo invites you to discover the result of their work through simple, fool-proof recipes. An invitation to embark on a new…
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Easy to Understand Permaculture – A Book of Solutions

It takes a teacher to teach. There are many permaculturists, and practitioners that write and teach YET not all of them are writers and teachers. Here's where Matt Powers shine. He's a teacher. A performer. A seed saver, and all round exceptional human. And he saw the need as many others have to have a READABLE permaculture book that helps to explain concepts and strategies at an elementary level without devolving into a children's book (which he's written as well). The Permaculture Student 2 compiles a host of solutions digested into their most simple forms and presented in this incredible book. In truth, the online version has been more useful than a hard copy as I can search through it. But I'll let you decided, you won't be disappointed with this book in your library. Click here to purchase. 
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What is a Permacutlure Design Course to me?

Ask 10 people what Permaculture is, and you are likely to receive 10 different answers. You might get a similar variation when you ask what a PDC is. A PDC is a Permaculture Design Course, but it might also refer to a Permaculture Design Certificate, which participants receive upon completion of the course. For myself, the answer has changed over time.
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From the UK to PEI – A story of island migration, floods, fortune and food.

Sandra Storr and her partner are of a growing crop of people working towards their dream… to live with nature in stead of against it. Building a home around their own food needs Sandra’s story illustrates their tenacity in finding the right place to set down roots and start to plant seeds. Sandra wrote her story for Permaculture BC demonstrating a solidarity of east and west island culture and the desire to find our own right livelihood. I hope you enjoy her story as much as I did.
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Wayne Roberts – The John Wayne of Food Security

When Wayne Roberts took the podium at the Alberta Pathways 2 Sustainability Conference yesterday as the dinner keynote, after so many speakers I had a similar feeling like walking through the eastern slopes of the Rockies in tall grass during spring... what's that irritation? might be another wood tick... Looking up to see what would be sucking my attention I was surprised by the image I saw, an Elephant on a New York City Street... Interesting. My thoughts turned to the "Elephant in the room" concept but no, that wasn't where Wayne was going. "What ever you are going to say about food, it's going to be big."
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